Hi, I'm Jay. A 17, Security Consultant (Pentester), Contracted OffSec Web App Trainer @hackthebox_eu & BSIDES 2023 Speaker @BSidesCymru.
CVE-2022-24785 Description Moment.js is a JavaScript date library for parsing, validating, manipulating, and formatting dates. A path traversal...
Hello everyone, today we will be covering something a little different. We will be taking a look at how to reverse engineer firmware which we can then...
Hello everyone, hope you are all well! Today we will be continuing our Python Hacking Series, this time however we will not be covering basics but...
Introduction to 0-Day Hunting/chaining vulnerabilities Hello everyone, I wanted to write a blog on how I go around my method of thinking for finding...
Introduction to Bypassing PHP strcmp() What will be covered today? What is strcmp() Buggy Code review Bypassing strcmp() Fixing the bug(s) What is...
Introduction to IDN Homograph Attacks What will be covered today? What is an IDN Homograph Attack? Example of IDN Homograph Attack Reversing a...